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An intergenerational music group for 0-4 year olds, their grown ups and older people, held in care homes and assisted living schemes has arrived at Summerdale court for Newham babies and toddlers.

From colourful scarves and shakers to bubble machines and action songs, there’s plenty to stimulate the imagination and senses. Our sessions are informal and relaxed, they have been designed by specialists to make them engaging and interactive for the youngest through to the oldest members of the group, we even provide refreshments at the end.

Our mission is for everyone to come away smiling, and we mean everyone – tiny babies, on-the-go toddlers, parents and guardians, older residents, people living with dementia, care home staff and our volunteers – we all have a great time.

Our sessions are free/donate what you can. If the sessions are full please add yourself to the waiting list.

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